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Services and princes

Stages of nutritional consultation:


Initial consultation | 20 EURO time dur. 30 min.

Patient analysis by:

- Measurement of anthropometric parameters (weight, body mass index, waist circumference, body composition, percentage of body water);

- Collection of medical history;

- Food survey (investigation of food habits and preferences);

Goal setting (eg weight control, disease management, sports performance).

Personalized diet | 110 EURO time dur. 60 min.


Teaching and discussing the new personalized meal plan:

- Resuming and discussing the results of the first meeting and the food diary;

- Comparison between the current diet in the food diary and the new food plan;

- Establishing in detail how to achieve the predetermined objectives;


Follow-up visits | 30 EURO time dur. 40 min.

- Monitoring the changes;

- Measurement of anthropometric parameters to validate the effectiveness of the course;

- Adjustments to the food plan;

- Nutrition education;

Nutrition Services

At NutriStudio you are followed according to your needs

Weight loss,
maintenance, gain nutrition

adolescents nutrition

Allergies and
food intolerances nutrition

Dietă de slăbit
Sulla bilancia
Alimentatia pentru copiii scolari
Cuochi bambini
Intoleranta la lactoza
Senza glutine

Obesity, diabetes and metabolic diseases nutrition

Gastrointestinal diseases nutrition

Pregnancy breastfeeding nutrition

Colesterolul mărit
Uomo che fa analisi del sangue
Reflux gastroesofagian
Donna nel dolore
Dieta recomandata in timpul alaptarii
Figlia che bacia la mamma incinta
Dieta pentru Cresterea Masei Musculare
Scale di corsa

Senior nutrition

Sport nutrition

Malnutritia la varstnici
Mancatul emotional


Nutritional consulting service is also online!

Schedule when you want:

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